Ethiopian Yirgacheffe

Ethiopian Yirgacheffe

  • Rich body

  • Robust fruitiness

  • Floral

  • Wine notes

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The use of coffee can be traced back as far as the 9th century in the highlands of Ethiopia. Legend has it that Ethiopian shepherds first noticed that goats “danced” and became more animated after eating wild coffee berries. Today, wild and native Arabica coffee trees are still the primary source for this historic and exotic coffee.

Yirgacheffe, the most famous of Ethiopia’s coffees, is grown around the town of Yrga Cheffe, adjacent to Lake Abaya, in the Sidamo district south of Addis Ababba, the capital city. Most of the coffee is still gathered from wild trees growing amidst the tropical rain forests at elevations from 5,000 to 6,000 feet. Negligible use of chemicals and fertilizers indicates Ethiopian coffee as some of the most natural coffee available.

Want to learn more about Ethiopian coffee? Read our Blog Post about our Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee and Ethiopian culture HERE.